Your resume does not list the specific software(s) we use.  How can we trust that you would make it work?

I am a master of learning softwares.  Between audio editing tools for my music, video editing programs for my YouTube and dance videos, electronic scheduling and medical records systems for the clinic I worked at, digital illustration and photo editing tools for my art and side-hustle branding, point-of-sale systems for my food service and retail history, prototyping software for my UX courses, and various website builders with their associated plug-ins for all of the above, I am constantly becoming proficient in new softwares.  I have found through doing so that the functions of many editing softwares are relatively transferable, and that brand new softwares only take a bit of using to figure out.  For those reasons, while I may not yet have a proficiency listed for the specific softwares a company is using, I can confidently assure hiring teams that I will adapt quickly to whatever systems a workplace might be using. 

Why should we consider you amidst other applicants who have more education/experience in this field?

While I may not have the accolades of a certain degree, I learn quickly and my 10+ of experience in the workforce has gifted me with another invaluable set of skills:

As a result, I have acquired a firm understanding of the differences in autonomy, expectations, and communication styles baked into roles across all of the aforementioned spectrums, and how to exhibit professionalism regardless.  I know how to be a strong leader, a strong employee, and a strong team member.  I know how to be a receptive trainee and a compassionate trainer.  I lead with empathy whether I'm interacting with customers, clients, or staff, and I will never take a great work environment for granted. 

What are these "music and art" projects on this site that aren't listed on your resume?

A couple more of my "side-hustles" that help demonstrate my creative skills.