Hi, I'm Lynnea!

Clutching my freshly earned music degree in 2014, I initially ventured into the service industry. Along the way, I dabbled in (okay, maybe obsessed over) content creation, branding, graphic design, social media management, music production, video/audio/photo editing, digital illustration, copywriting, user experience design, communications, and web design through my side-hustles in dance fitness, music, and art.

In 2023, I had a lightbulb moment: these creative skills were where my heart was. So, I polished up my technical know-how with a Meta Digital Marketing Certification, and Google Career Certificates in UX Design and Digital Marketing & E-Commerce.  Now, in 2024, I am channeling all of that energy into my first full-time marketing role with a roofing company.

I am excited for what's to come.